The Tools Panel in Photoshop CS5

What is Photoshop CS5?

The Photoshop has evolved as the most popular program and the foremost choice among Graphic Designers, Web Designers and Multimedia Designers and the Photographers since its first release. Photoshop CS5, the new release of Photoshop. Photoshop CS5 is the leading digital Image editing Program. It comes in two different programs- Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Extended.

What is Tools Panel?

The Tools panel displays various icons that represent various tools in Photoshop CS5 or Photoshop CS5 Extended. These icons are grouped according to their functionalities and used to edit the Image in Photoshop.

Tools Present in the Selection, Cropping and Measuring tools group of the Tools Panel:

Tool NamePurpose
Move ToolMoves selection, layer and guides
Rectangular Marquee ToolMakes rectangular or square selection
Elliptical Marquee ToolMakes circular or elliptical selections
Single Row Marquee ToolMakes single row selection
Lasso ToolMakes free-from selections
Polygon Lasso ToolMake straight-edged (polygonal) selections
Magnetic Lasso ToolMakes magnetic selection by snapping to edges
Quick Selection ToolEnables to quickly paint selection with a brush
Magic Wand ToolSelects similar color areas in an Image
Crop ToolCrops or Trims an Image
Slice ToolCreates slices in an Image
Slice Select ToolSelects slices in an Image
Eye Dropper ToolSelects a sample color from an image
Color Sampler ToolDisplays color values up to four areas
Ruler ToolMeasures distances, locations and angles
Notes ToolAdds text note in an Image
Count ToolCounts objects in an image (Photoshop Extended only)

Tools present in the Painting and Retouching tools group of the Tools Panel:

Tool NamePurpose
Spot Healing Brush toolRemoves Blemishes and Objects
Healing Brush ToolRepairs Imperfection by blending them seamlessly
Patch ToolRepairs the selected area using samples or patterns
Red Eye ToolRemoves red eye effect (reflection caused by flashlight)
Brush ToolPaints an image with Brush Strokes
Pencil ToolPaints hard-edged strokes
Color Replacement ToolReplaces the selected color with a new color
Mixer Brush ToolStimulates realistic painting by blending colors
Clone Stamp ToolPaints with a sample of an image
Pattern Stamp ToolPaints an Image with Desired pattern
History Brush ToolPaints a duplicate of the selected state or snapshot
Art History ToolPaints with stylized strokes using a selected state
Eraser ToolErases pixels or reverts to a saved History
Background Eraser ToolErase areas of Transparency
Magic Eraser ToolErases solid-color areas to transparency with a single lick
Gradient ToolCreates Straight, radial color blends and fills the selection
Paint Bucket ToolFill areas with Foreground Color
Blur ToolBlurs hard edges of an Image
Sharpen ToolSharpens Soft edges of an image
Smudge ToolSmudges an Image as if it is retouched by a finger
Dodge ToolLightens pixels in an Image
Burn ToolDarkens pixels in an Image
Sponge ToolChanges the saturation of Color in a selected area.

Tools Present in the Drawing and Type Tools Group of the Tools Panel:

Pen Tool Draws smooth-edged vector path
Freeform Pen TollDraws freehand path with automatic anchor points
Add Anchor Point ToolAdds anchor points in a path
Deletes Anchor Point Tool Deletes Anchor Points from a path
Convert Point ToolReshapes a curve at the anchor point
Horizontal Tpe ToolEnables typehorizontally
Vertical Type ToolEnables type Vertically
Horizontal type Mask Tool Creates a horizontal selection in the shape of type
Vertical type Mask Tool Creates a vertical selection in the shape of type
Path Selection ToolSelects path showing anchor points, directional lines
Direct Selection Tool Selects and changes the placement of anchor in a path
Rectangle Tool Draws rectangle or square vector shapes
Rounded Rectangular Tool Draws round-edged rectangle or square vector shape
Ellipse Tool Draws round or elliptical vector shape
Polygon ToolDraws polygon vector shape
Line Tool Draws Straight Lines
Custom Shape ToolDraws custom shapes selected from the custom shape list

Tools present in the 3D and Navigation Tools group of the Tools Panel:

Tool NamePurpose
3D Object Rotate ToolRotate a 3D Object around its X-axis
3D Object Roll ToolRotates a 3D Object around its Z-axis
3D Object Pan ToolMoves the object in the X and Y direction
3D Object Slide ToolMoves the Object up and down when dragged Horizontally, forward or back when dragged vertically
3D Object Scale ToolIncreases and decreases the size of the 3D object
3D Rotate Camera ToolOrbits the view of an object in X or Y direction
3D Roll Camera ToolRotates the view of an object in Z axis
3D Pan Camera ToolPans the view of an object in X and Y direction
3D Walk Camera ToolMoves forward and when moved vertically
3D Zoom Camera ToolAllows you to zoom in or zoom out the  Object
Hand ToolNavigates the Image in the Document Window
Rotate View ToolRotates the Canvas in any direction
Zoom ToolIncreases or Decreases the relative size of the View
Set Foreground and Background ColorsEnables to select and toggle between Foreground and Background Color
Edit in Standard ModeEnables to edit an Image in Standard Mode
Edit in quick Mask ModeEnables to edit a selection by hiding unselected area in quick mask mode





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