Advanced Certification Course in Graphic Design



The Advanced Certification Course in Graphic Design & Prepress is one of the finest  Courses available around and deals with the utilization of graphic training in product advertisement, branding and information dissemination. Being the Best Graphic Design Training Center in Delhi NCR, the Course entails all the processes that go into the making of print for commercial, editorial and educational purposes.


This professional Graphic Design course would train the student to apply the principles and elements of design in product branding and advertising. Students will have complete hands-on graphic design training on all popular applications such as Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC etc. used in print mediums, special classes based on Typography, Colour Sense will expand the knowledge of students towards the aesthetics.

Graphic Design  Course Modules 

MODULE 1-  Commercial & Digital Illustrations 

  • Vector Illustration
  • Vector Vs. Raster
  • Creating manual Illustrations
  • Colour Schemes and Theories
  • Gestalt Psychology of Design
  • Hierarchy of importance in a design
  • Illustration design for logos
  • Designing illustrations for Publications
  • Working with Illustrative infographics
  • Creating Packaging artworks
  • Case Studies & Project.

MODULE 2 – Design Aesthetics

  •  The window cut/ viewfinder
  •  Pencil as a measuring device
  • Shapes and forms
  • Practicing shapes into forms
  • Types of shading 
  • Tones of shading 
  • Perspective – one point, two point, three point
  •  Types of design- Graphic, Packaging, Interior, Fashion, Automobile, Toy, Product, Jewelry, 
  • Principles of design- Emphasis, Contrast, Balance,  Alignment, Repetition, Flow
  • Color theory 
  • The science of color
  • Color Perception and Human Responses 
  • Color interaction and effects 
  • Color in design principles 
  • Use of color in design 
  • Colors and printing 
  • What is logo
  • Types of logo 
  • A short history of logo design 
  • What makes a good logo
  • The logo design process
  • Rules to follow
  • Logo Construction 
  • Corporate identity 
  • Technical terms of typography 
  • Types of fonts
  • Font selection in design
  • Rules to follow in typography 
  • Product Campaign 
  • Social Campaign 
  • Service Campaign 


  • Digital Illustrations
  • Advanced Digital Imaging
  • Layout for publication design, Prepress & Production.

Software Covered


  • Logos & identity design
  • Stationery Design- Business cards, Letterheads and Envelopes
  • Design with Type (Typography projects)
  • Magazine cover page
  • Matte painting & Digital painting
  • Surreal Portrait
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Color Correction for Photographers
  • Poster Design
  • Web Template design UI & mock-ups
  • Album Cover
  • Designing for Notice and Announcements
  • Designing for social media
  • Background patterns
  • GIF Animations and Memes
  • Printing- Process, strategy, and costing
  • Object Drawing ( Emoji- icons)
  • Corporate identity design
  • POP material
  • Infographics
  • Gift Certificate
  • Brand Identity
  • Designing Web Assets- Buttons and Banners
  • 2-3 Point Perspective Designs
  • Catalogues and Brochure design
  • Newspaper Layouts
  • Coffee Table books design
  • Cartoon Character
  • Multiple styles of Packaging to Mockups
  • Designing Advertising artworks
  • Invoices
  • Labels
  • Merchandising design for events and exhibitions
  • Outdoor media designs

Why you should Choose Graphic design course at Softline Institute?

At SCEC India, we believe that choosing our Graphic Design course can be a life-changing decision for several reasons. Our institute is renowned for its excellence in graphic design education and has established itself as a leading institution in the field. Here’s why you should choose our Graphic Design course at SCEC :

1. Expert Faculty:

We have a team of highly experienced and skilled faculty members who are experts in the field of graphic design. They possess in-depth knowledge and are dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance to our students.

2. Industry-Relevant Curriculum:

Our Graphic Design course curriculum is carefully designed to align with the latest industry trends and requirements. We ensure that students receive practical and up-to-date knowledge that prepares them for real-world design challenges.

3. Practical Training:

At SCEC, we believe in a hands-on approach to learning. Our Graphic Design course emphasizes practical training, allowing students to work on real projects, develop their skills, and build a professional portfolio.

4. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:

We provide a conducive learning environment with modern infrastructure, equipped with the latest software and hardware tools used in the graphic design industry. Our well-equipped labs and design studios enable students to explore their creativity to the fullest.

5. Industry Exposure:

Softline has strong ties with various industries and design studios. We organize regular workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry professionals, providing our students with valuable insights and networking opportunities.

6. Placement Assistance:

We understand the importance of career opportunities after completing the course. Softline offers dedicated placement assistance to students, helping them secure internships and job placements in renowned companies.

7. Holistic Development:

Our Graphic Design course not only focuses on technical skills but also emphasizes overall personality development. We conduct workshops on communication skills, teamwork, and creative thinking to groom our students into well-rounded professionals.

8. Flexibility:

We offer flexible batch timings to cater to the diverse needs of students, including working professionals and those pursuing other educational courses simultaneously. This flexibility ensures that individuals can pursue their passion for graphic design without disrupting their existing commitments.

9. Alumni Network:

Softline takes pride in its vast network of successful alumni who have excelled in the graphic design industry. Our alumni continue to contribute to our students’ growth by providing mentorship and industry insights.

By choosing the Graphic Design course at Softline Institute, you will gain the knowledge, skills, and industry exposure necessary to thrive in the dynamic field of graphic design. Join us to unlock your creative potential and embark on a rewarding career journey.



After completing a Graphic Design course, you will have various career options to explore in the dynamic field of design. Here are some potential career paths you can consider:

1. Graphic Designer: As a graphic designer, you can work in design studios, advertising agencies, marketing departments, or as a freelancer. You’ll create visual concepts, design layouts, and use various software tools to produce designs for print and digital media.

2. UI/UX Designer: User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) designers focus on enhancing the usability and overall experience of digital products, such as websites, mobile apps, and software interfaces. They create visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that effectively communicate with users.

3. Brand Identity Designer: Brand identity designers help organizations establish a strong brand image by creating logos, color schemes, typography, and other visual elements that represent the brand’s values and personality. They ensure consistency across various brand touchpoints.

4. Packaging Designer: Packaging designers specialize in creating attractive and functional packaging for products. They consider branding, consumer psychology, and practical aspects to design packaging that stands out on store shelves and effectively communicates the product’s features.

5. Motion Graphics Designer: Motion graphics designers combine graphic design with animation techniques to create visually engaging content for videos, films, television, and online platforms. They use software tools to bring static designs to life through movement and visual effects.

6. Art Director: Art directors are responsible for overseeing the visual style and artistic direction of projects. They collaborate with designers, photographers, and other creative professionals to ensure cohesive and visually compelling outcomes.

7. Illustrator: Illustrators create visual representations of ideas, concepts, and narratives through drawings, paintings, or digital illustrations. They work across various industries, such as publishing, advertising, editorial, and gaming.

8. Print Production Specialist: Print production specialists are experts in preparing and managing the printing process. They work closely with designers and printers to ensure accurate color reproduction, proper file formatting, and high-quality output for printed materials.

9. Freelancer/Entrepreneur: After gaining experience and building a strong portfolio, you can choose to work as a freelance graphic designer, offering your services to clients on a project basis. Alternatively, you can start your own design studio or agency, managing a team and handling various design projects.