“Internet” and The World

"Getting Information off the Internet is like taking a drink from fire hydrant"

Here we provide you the information about the Internet. What is Internet; Its Advantages; Its Disadvantages and about its main Services (e-mail & WWW).

The INTERNET consist of tens of thousands of Computer Networks linked together to form one global huge network, allowing any Computer on one network to communicate with any Computer on another. Internet is a network of networks that consist of private, public, academic, business and government networks of local to global scope, linked by an array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet is the Global system of interconnected Computer Networks that consist of Internet Protocol Suite to Communicate between networks and Devices.

The two Main Services used on Internet are E-mail or World Wide Web. Email allows text messages to be sent-along with attached computer files, images or video clips, for example- to other computers on the Internet. The Web consist of billion of pages made up of digital files that are stored on Computers across the world and can be viewed using a web browser. The Web also provides interactive access to various services, For example-banking and shopping.

E-mail: Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices. E-mail operates across Computer Networks, primarily the Internet. Today’s email systems are based on store and forward model. Neither the user nor their Computers required to be online simultaneously, they just need to connect, typically to a mail server or a webmail interface to send or receive messages or to download it.

World Wide Web: The World Wide Web (WWW), is commonly known as Web, is an information system where documents and other Web resources are identified by the Uniform Resource Locators (ULRs such as, https://example.com/), which may be linked by HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and may be accessed by users by a Software Application called a “Web Browser” and are published by a Software Application called a “Web Server”. Multiple Web resources with a common theme, a common Domain name, or both, make up a Website. Websites are stored in a Computer that are running a program called a Web Server that responds to request made over the Internet from Web Browser running on a user’s Computer.

Importance of Internet:

  1. It increases the Accessibility of Education.
  2. Promotes innovative learning.
  3. It eases our Communication; now a days whole World is connected through Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, etc.: and these things leads to a connectivity Internet.
  4. In today’s world everyone Google, before ask help from any other people. The Internet has all the answers is true: due to unlimited contents available online, about every single Subject.
  5. It helps the Farmers learn, how to yield a good crop: through the different methods of cultivation. They get to learn which type of fertilizers they should use, how and where to sell their Crops etc.
  6. It provides Business Organisations a platform to share and promote about their Business.
  7. Entertainment is the biggest factor in the attraction of the Internet, Celebrity uses social media platforms to promote their Movies.
  8. The Best thing is, it is available to you 24/7.

Disadvantages of Internet:

  1. Internet has also become a major source of distraction. As it is said people adopt bad Habit faster.
  2. Students spend too much time in using the Internet. They start getting addicted to playing games and using Social Media.
  3. Students start diverting their Interest from Studies.
  4. People urge to show-off and thus post pictures with their family and friends, and revisits their posts to check likes or comments. Dating and Chatting apps also proved to be a hindrance to studies. These facilities due to waste a lot of time.
  5. Some People uses this platform to abuse or to harass other people.


We should always use Internet for the good things. We should set a time limit on the usage of Internet. Parents must ensure that while they are providing Internet access to their children, they must keep a check on their usage. There are ways to block the sites which are not suitable for the kids. Parents must make it a priority to monitor their children’s activities, to ensure that they are using this platform only for good.

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